Blog Picture - Environmental Business Award

27 Nov 2013

Environmental Business Award

This week we were delighted to hear that we have been awarded GOLD for our Environmental Business Award application.  This award is granted by Glasgow City Council and focuses on how environmentally friendly your business is.  The judges were impressed with the changes we have made to our building and our achievements, and told us that the decision to award us gold was an easy one!  The judges gave us some suggestions on things we could improve on, including having greater emphasis on fair trade products in our café.  They also suggested that we could use some of our vacant land for alternative uses so we will come up with something creative to do in our disused car park!

We are waiting to hear when the ceremony will take place and we may be invited to speak at future events as a result.  This would provide us with exciting opportunities to promote our PFS developments, our best practices and templates, like our Environmental Policy and our Green Location Guide, plus we'll able to gather and share relevant information with other organisations. 

We are pleased to be able to end the year on a high note and celebrate our achievements over the past 12 months.  We have had lots of fun transforming Film City Glasgow into its new, greener, more energy efficient self, and we are looking forward to continuing these developments throughout 2014!

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